find the second derivative of each of the following functions:

a) y=e^x + sin^2 (x)

b) y = 2√(x) + ln (x^3)

To do these, you must have in your repertoire the ability to quickly differentiate

e^x, ln(something), sinx, cosx, and √(something) etc

I will do b) , you try the first one

y = 2√(x) + ln (x^3)
y = 2 x^(1/2) + ln(x^3)
y' = (1/2)(2) x^(-1/2) + 3x^2/x^3
= x^(-1/2) + 3x^-1
y '' = (-1/2)x^(-3/2) - 3x^-2
= -1/(2√x)^3 - 3/x^2 or variations of that after rationalizing the denominator

I got it simplified as
-1/(2x√x) - 3/x^2

for a) i got y' = e^x cos(2x) * 2

for b) i got a different answer, i got y' = (√(x) - 6)) / (2x^2)

i use the symbolab to check my answer and i got it correct?

when simplified, it's the same thing

look at my first term:
= -1/(2x√x) * √x/√x
= -√x/(2x^2) <---- same as the first term of your answer
and of course my - 3/x^2 is the same as your - 6/(2x^2)

is my answer for a is correct?


y=e^x + sin^2 (x)
y ' = e^x + 2sinx cosx
= e^x + sin (2x)

y'' = e^x + 2cos(2x) , you had them multiplies, could have been just a typo

To find the second derivative of a function, we need to differentiate it twice. Let's go through each function and find their second derivatives.

a) y = e^x + sin^2(x)

Step 1: Find the first derivative.
To find the first derivative of y, we will differentiate each term separately using the power rule and chain rule:

dy/dx = d/dx(e^x) + d/dx(sin^2(x))

Using the power rule, the derivative of e^x is e^x.

The derivative of sin^2(x) can be obtained using the chain rule. Let u = sin(x), then sin^2(x) = u^2. Therefore, our derivative becomes:

dy/dx = e^x + 2sin(x)cos(x)

Step 2: Find the second derivative.
To find the second derivative, we need to differentiate the derivative we found in step 1:

d^2y/dx^2 = d/dx(e^x + 2sin(x)cos(x))

The derivative of e^x is still e^x.

To find the derivative of 2sin(x)cos(x), we can use the product rule:

d/dx(2sin(x)cos(x)) = 2[cos(x)(cos(x))+sin(x)(-sin(x))]

Simplifying and rearranging, we get:

d^2y/dx^2 = e^x - 2sin^2(x)+2cos^2(x)

Therefore, the second derivative of y = e^x + sin^2(x) is d^2y/dx^2 = e^x - 2sin^2(x)+2cos^2(x).

b) y = 2√(x) + ln(x^3)

Step 1: Find the first derivative.
To find the first derivative of y, we will differentiate each term separately using the power rule and logarithmic differentiation:

dy/dx = d/dx(2√(x)) + d/dx(ln(x^3))

For 2√(x), we can rewrite it as 2x^(1/2) and then use the power rule to differentiate it:

d/dx(2x^(1/2)) = (1/2)*2*x^(-1/2) = x^(-1/2)

For ln(x^3), we can use logarithmic differentiation:

d/dx(ln(x^3)) = (1/x)*3x^2 = 3/x

Therefore, the first derivative is:

dy/dx = x^(-1/2) + 3/x

Step 2: Find the second derivative.
To find the second derivative, we need to differentiate the derivative found in step 1:

d^2y/dx^2 = d/dx(x^(-1/2) + 3/x)

The derivative of x^(-1/2) can be found using the power rule:

d/dx(x^(-1/2)) = (-1/2)*x^(-3/2)

The derivative of 3/x can be found using the power rule and quotient rule:

d/dx(3/x) = (3/x^2)*(-1/x) = -3/x^3

Therefore, the second derivative is:

d^2y/dx^2 = (-1/2)*x^(-3/2) - 3/x^3

So, the second derivative of y = 2√(x) + ln(x^3) is d^2y/dx^2 = (-1/2)*x^(-3/2) - 3/x^3.