Need to know the sentence pattern of the following questions.

1. Jerry bought his son a car.
2. Craig seemed tired all day.
3. Ginger wants some new shoes for outfits.
4. Delilah growls at the other cats.
5. I call my old car Matilda.
6. She found a ring in the trash.
7. Lindsay is happy about her raise.
8. My computer crashed last night.
9.They elected Amanda class treasurer.
10. I mailed the company my payment.

What do you mean by sentence pattern? Are you given any choices?

See Similar Questions below. Then let us know what you decide for each of your sentences.

1. S V IO DO

If that’s the pattern you’re supposed to use, keep working on the others. Then someone can check them.

To determine the sentence patterns of the given questions, we first need to identify the parts of speech and their functions in each sentence.

1. Jerry bought his son a car.
Pattern: Subject (Jerry) + Verb (bought) + Object (car) + Indirect Object (his son)
Explanation: The subject is "Jerry," the verb is "bought," the object is "car," and the indirect object is "his son." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Object-Indirect Object (SVOIO).

2. Craig seemed tired all day.
Pattern: Subject (Craig) + Verb (seemed) + Predicate Adjective (tired)
Explanation: The subject is "Craig," the verb is "seemed," and the predicate adjective is "tired." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Predicate Adjective (SVA).

3. Ginger wants some new shoes for outfits.
Pattern: Subject (Ginger) + Verb (wants) + Direct Object (shoes) + Prepositional Phrase (for outfits)
Explanation: The subject is "Ginger," the verb is "wants," the direct object is "shoes," and the prepositional phrase is "for outfits." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Direct Object-Prepositional Phrase (SVDOpp).

4. Delilah growls at the other cats.
Pattern: Subject (Delilah) + Verb (growls) + Prepositional Phrase (at the other cats)
Explanation: The subject is "Delilah," the verb is "growls," and the prepositional phrase is "at the other cats." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Prepositional Phrase (SVPp).

5. I call my old car Matilda.
Pattern: Subject (I) + Verb (call) + Direct Object (car) + Object Complement (Matilda)
Explanation: The subject is "I," the verb is "call," the direct object is "car," and the object complement is "Matilda." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Direct Object-Object Complement (SVOC).

6. She found a ring in the trash.
Pattern: Subject (She) + Verb (found) + Direct Object (ring) + Prepositional Phrase (in the trash)
Explanation: The subject is "She," the verb is "found," the direct object is "ring," and the prepositional phrase is "in the trash." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Direct Object-Prepositional Phrase (SVDOpp).

7. Lindsay is happy about her raise.
Pattern: Subject (Lindsay) + Verb (is) + Predicate Adjective (happy) + Prepositional Phrase (about her raise)
Explanation: The subject is "Lindsay," the verb is "is," the predicate adjective is "happy," and the prepositional phrase is "about her raise." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Predicate Adjective-Prepositional Phrase (SVPAp).

8. My computer crashed last night.
Pattern: Subject (computer) + Verb (crashed) + Adverbial Phrase (last night)
Explanation: The subject is "computer," the verb is "crashed," and the adverbial phrase is "last night." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Adverbial Phrase (SVA).

9. They elected Amanda class treasurer.
Pattern: Subject (They) + Verb (elected) + Direct Object (Amanda) + Object Complement (class treasurer)
Explanation: The subject is "They," the verb is "elected," the direct object is "Amanda," and the object complement is "class treasurer." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Direct Object-Object Complement (SVOC).

10. I mailed the company my payment.
Pattern: Subject (I) + Verb (mailed) + Direct Object (payment) + Indirect Object (company)
Explanation: The subject is "I," the verb is "mailed," the direct object is "payment," and the indirect object is "company." The sentence pattern is Subject-Verb-Direct Object-Indirect Object (SVIO).

By analyzing these sentence patterns, we can better understand the structure and organization of the given sentences.