How many calories can you brun from doing 100 jumping jacks?

Sorry I meant burn*.

google will tell you in five seconds.

Thanks for following my advice with Jessica, whom you told

There is a link when u search up the question on google.

To calculate the number of calories burned from doing 100 jumping jacks, we need to consider a few factors such as your weight, intensity of the exercise, and metabolism.

1. Determine your weight in kilograms (kg).
- If you know your weight in pounds (lbs), divide it by 2.205 to convert it to kilograms. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs, divide 150 by 2.205 to get approximately 68 kg.

2. Find the MET value for jumping jacks. The MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) value represents the energy expenditure of an activity compared to the resting metabolic rate. The MET value for jumping jacks is around 8.

3. Calculate the calories burned per minute.
- Multiply your weight in kilograms by the MET value of jumping jacks (8). This will give you the calories burned per minute. For example, if you weigh 68 kg, multiply it by 8 to get 544 calories burned per minute.

4. Determine the duration of doing 100 jumping jacks.
- Estimate the time it takes you to complete 100 jumping jacks. Let's say it takes you 2 minutes.

5. Calculate the total calories burned.
- Multiply the calories burned per minute (544) by the duration in minutes (2) to get the total calories burned during 100 jumping jacks. In this example, it would be 1088 calories.

Please note that this calculation provides an estimate and individual results may vary. Factors such as body composition, fitness level, and effort put into the exercise can affect the actual number of calories burned.

If your not helping me u don´t have to comment things like that. (;

I did help you. Have you even tried google yet? you're just wasting our time here.