The formula for the value of a car, C, after t years of depreciation of its initial value v at a rate of r is C=v(1−r)^t

How can you rearrange the given formula to find the correct initial value, v, of the car?

one step, divide by (1−r)^t , so

v = C/(1−r)^t

To rearrange the formula to find the initial value (v) of the car, we need to isolate v on one side of the equation. Let's go step by step:

1. Start with the given formula: C = v(1 - r)^t

2. Divide both sides of the equation by (1 - r)^t: C / (1 - r)^t = v(1 - r)^t / (1 - r)^t

3. Simplify the right side of the equation: C / (1 - r)^t = v

So, the rearranged formula to find the initial value (v) of the car is:
v = C / (1 - r)^t

Now, you can substitute the values of C, r, and t into the rearranged formula to find the initial value of the car.