Tau,Igo and Iron share a bag of mangoes in the ratio 7:5:14,if Igo receives 18 mangoes less than Iron, how mangoes does Iron receive?

let their amounts be 7x , 5x, and 14x respectively

"Igo receives 18 mangoes less than Iron" ----> 14x - 5x = 18

find x, then sub into my definitions.

How do I really work it out

To find out how many mangoes Iron receives, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total number of parts in the ratio:
The given ratio is 7:5:14. Adding these values together gives us 7 + 5 + 14 = 26.

Step 2: Find the value of each part:
To find the value of each part, divide the total number of mangoes by the total number of parts:
Let x be the common ratio multiplier:
Mangoes (7x) : Mangoes (5x) : Mangoes (14x) = 26x (total parts)

Step 3: Determine the difference between Igo and Iron's mangoes:
It is given that Igo receives 18 mangoes less than Iron. So, the equation becomes:
Mangoes (5x) = Mangoes (14x) - 18.

Step 4: Solve for x:
By substituting the equation from the previous step, we get:
5x = 14x - 18.
18 = 14x - 5x.
18 = 9x.
x = 2.

Step 5: Calculate the number of mangoes Iron receives:
Substitute the value of x back into the equation for Iron's mangoes:
Mangoes (14x) = Mangoes (14 * 2).
Iron receives 14 * 2 = 28 mangoes.

Therefore, Iron receives 28 mangoes.