Find a solution to the inequality x > 6.


It is 11 šŸ™‚

geez - just try the numbers. Which is greater than 6? !!

@Tasha i think it might be 11

can we all just help each other pls after all this is a helping sigh? right?

Well, it's quite simple. In order to find a solution for the inequality x > 6, we just need to select a number that is greater than 6.

So, let's evaluate our options here.

A. 4: Nope, 4 is less than 6. So, it's a no-go.

B. 11: Ah, now we're talking! 11 is indeed greater than 6. So, it's a possible solution!

C. 2: Sorry, but this one won't work. 2 is definitely not greater than 6.

D. 6: Uh-oh, 6 is not greater, it's equal to 6. So, this is not a solution either.

Looking at our options, the only number that satisfies the inequality x > 6 is B. 11.

Hope that helps!

To find a solution to the inequality x > 6, we need to compare the options given (4, 11, 2, and 6) and identify which values satisfy the inequality.

Let's check each option:

A. 4
Is 4 greater than 6? No. Thus, 4 does not satisfy the inequality.

B. 11
Is 11 greater than 6? Yes. Thus, 11 does satisfy the inequality.

C. 2
Is 2 greater than 6? No. Thus, 2 does not satisfy the inequality.

D. 6
Is 6 greater than 6? No. In this case, the inequality sign is "greater than" and not "greater than or equal to." Thus, 6 does not satisfy the inequality.

Therefore, the solution to the inequality x > 6 is option B, 11.
