Note: You will need to use VerilUOC_Desktop to answer this question. Please, complete the module "VerilUOC_Desktop tools", inside this week 2, before performing this exercise.

Minimize the Boolean function as a sum of products of literals:



To minimize the Boolean function as a sum of products of literals using VerilUOC_Desktop, follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch VerilUOC_Desktop. Make sure you have completed the "VerilUOC_Desktop tools" module in Week 2.

Step 2: Click on the "Logic Analyzer" tool to open it.

Step 3: In the Logic Analyzer window, click on the button "Add new expression" to create a new Boolean function.

Step 4: Enter the Boolean function f(a, b, c, d, e) in the expression editor. The expression editor allows you to enter the Boolean function using logical operators and variables. Use the appropriate symbols for the logical operators: + for OR, . for AND, and ' for NOT.

The Boolean function can be expressed as:
which can be written as:
f(a,b,c,d,e) = (not(b) + not(a).c.d) . (not(not(b) + c + not(d)) + c.d) + not(a).c.d.e

Step 5: Once you have entered the Boolean function, click on the "Simplify" button. The logic analyzer will simplify the Boolean function using various algorithms and techniques.

Step 6: After the simplification process, the simplified Boolean function will be displayed in the Logic Analyzer window. The simplified function will be in terms of a sum of products of literals.

That's it! You have now minimized the Boolean function as a sum of products of literals using VerilUOC_Desktop's Logic Analyzer tool.