Hope Landers purchases an air conditioner for $546.58 and a fan for $45.50. If the state tax is 6 percent, the city tax is 1.5 percent, and the county tax is 1 percent, what is her total purchase price?

546.58 + 45.50 + (546.58 + 45.50)(.06 + .015 + .01) = ?

To find the total purchase price, we need to calculate the total tax and add it to the cost of the air conditioner and fan.

Step 1: Calculate the total tax:
State tax = 6% of the total cost
City tax = 1.5% of the total cost
County tax = 1% of the total cost

Total tax = (State tax + City tax + County tax) / 100 * total cost

State tax = 6/100 * ($546.58 + $45.50)
State tax = $32.80

City tax = 1.5/100 * ($546.58 + $45.50)
City tax = $9.92

County tax = 1/100 * ($546.58 + $45.50)
County tax = $5.92

Total tax = ($32.80 + $9.92 + $5.92)
Total tax = $48.64

Step 2: Calculate the total purchase price:
Total purchase price = Total cost + Total tax

Total cost = $546.58 + $45.50
Total cost = $592.08

Total purchase price = $592.08 + $48.64
Total purchase price = $640.72

Therefore, Hope Landers' total purchase price is $640.72.

To calculate the total purchase price, you need to compute the total tax and add it to the sum of the prices of the air conditioner and the fan.

First, let's find the total tax on the purchases.

Step 1: Calculate the state tax:
Multiply the price of the air conditioner ($546.58) by the state tax rate, which is 6 percent or 0.06.
State tax = $546.58 * 0.06 = $32.79

Step 2: Calculate the city tax:
Multiply the price of the air conditioner ($546.58) plus the price of the fan ($45.50) by the city tax rate, which is 1.5 percent or 0.015.
City tax = ($546.58 + $45.50) * 0.015 = $9.12

Step 3: Calculate the county tax:
Multiply the price of the air conditioner ($546.58) plus the price of the fan ($45.50) by the county tax rate, which is 1 percent or 0.01.
County tax = ($546.58 + $45.50) * 0.01 = $5.92

Next, add up all the taxes:
Total tax = State tax + City tax + County tax
Total tax = $32.79 + $9.12 + $5.92 = $47.83

Finally, compute the total purchase price by adding the total tax to the sum of the prices of the air conditioner and the fan:
Total purchase price = Price of air conditioner + Price of fan + Total tax
Total purchase price = $546.58 + $45.50 + $47.83 = $639.91

Therefore, the total purchase price is $639.91.