Which accurately describes life events of explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado?

A.) Coronado led expeditions through the American Southwest and discovered the Grand Canyon.

B.) Coronado established Jamestown, the first permanent British colony in Virginia.

C.) Coronado established a colony near Roanoke Island, but the colonists mysteriously died.

D.) Coronado led expeditions through Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and along the Mississippi River.

The answer is A


Answer is A

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To determine the accurate description of the life events of explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, we can analyze each option and eliminate incorrect choices.

A.) Coronado led expeditions through the American Southwest and discovered the Grand Canyon.

To verify this option, we can conduct a search using reliable sources such as history textbooks, encyclopedias, or reputable websites. By searching for information on Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, we can find accounts of his explorations in the American Southwest. These explorations included the discovery of notable landmarks such as the Grand Canyon.

B.) Coronado established Jamestown, the first permanent British colony in Virginia.

This option is incorrect as Francisco Vázquez de Coronado did not establish Jamestown. Jamestown was founded by English colonists in 1607, over 40 years after Coronado's expeditions.

C.) Coronado established a colony near Roanoke Island, but the colonists mysteriously died.

This option is also incorrect. The establishment of a colony near Roanoke Island is associated with Sir Walter Raleigh, not Francisco Vázquez de Coronado. The colony on Roanoke Island, known as the Roanoke Colony, did face a mystery known as the "Lost Colony," where the colonists disappeared, but Coronado was not involved in this event.

D.) Coronado led expeditions through Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and along the Mississippi River.

This option is incorrect as well. While Coronado did explore parts of the American Southwest, there is no evidence suggesting he led expeditions that extended into Florida, Georgia, Alabama, or the Mississippi River.

From the analysis, we find that option A, which states that Coronado led expeditions through the American Southwest and discovered the Grand Canyon, is the accurate description of Francisco Vázquez de Coronado's life events.