In 2018, Minnesota had about 2.53 persons per household and 2,221,628 households. It has a land area that can be modeled with a rectangle of width of 237 miles and length of 367 miles. What was the population density of Minnesota in 2018

10.1 people/mi^2

41.73 people/mi^2

64.62 people/mi^2

100.07 people/mi^2

(2.53*2,221,628)/(237*367) = ?

Population = 2.53(2,221,628) = ...

Area = (237 miles)(367 miles) = .... square miles

divide population by area to get "people/ mile^2

Thanks for the help!

To find the population density of Minnesota in 2018, we need to divide the total population by the land area.

First, let's calculate the total population by multiplying the average number of persons per household by the total number of households:
Total population = Average persons per household * Number of households
Total population = 2.53 persons/household * 2,221,628 households
Total population = 5,622,254.84 (approximately 5,622,255)

Next, we need to calculate the land area of Minnesota in square miles by multiplying the width and length:
Land area = Width * Length
Land area = 237 miles * 367 miles
Land area = 86,979 square miles

Finally, we can calculate the population density by dividing the total population by the land area:
Population density = Total population / Land area
Population density = 5,622,255 people / 86,979 square miles
Population density = 64.62 people/mi^2

Therefore, the population density of Minnesota in 2018 was approximately 64.62 people per square mile. The correct option is 64.62 people/mi^2.