1. Which statement from the passage is most likely fact rather than fiction? (1 point

A.Living miles away from town in 1900, you could not just go to a store and buy whatever you wanted.

B.Jerry could not believe that these would grow into banjos like Grandpa's.

c.when Jerry went out to spade the garden, he hit at one of the gourds with the shovel

D.He was so entranced by his own music that he did not hear the old man step onto the porch.

The most likely fact rather than fiction in the provided options is:

A. Living miles away from town in 1900, you could not just go to a store and buy whatever you wanted.

To determine which statement from the passage is most likely a fact rather than fiction, we need to look for statements that can be verified as true. Here's how we can approach each option:

A. "Living miles away from town in 1900, you could not just go to a store and buy whatever you wanted." This statement seems like a fact because it reflects the historical reality of limited access to stores and products in rural areas during the given time period.

B. "Jerry could not believe that these would grow into banjos like Grandpa's." This statement involves Jerry's personal belief, which cannot be objectively verified as either fact or fiction.

C. "When Jerry went out to spade the garden, he hit at one of the gourds with the shovel." This statement describes an action performed by Jerry, which can be considered factual if we assume the events in the passage are presented as they happened.

D. "He was so entranced by his own music that he did not hear the old man step onto the porch." This statement involves Jerry's state of mind, which cannot be objectively verified as either fact or fiction.

Based on this analysis, statement A is the most likely fact rather than fiction, as it reflects a historical reality.

D, in C the spade changed to a shovel, In A distance does not stop you from going to a store, with B banjos arre not grown.