There was a certain Brahman in a certain village, named Harisarman. He was poor and foolish and in evil case for want of employment, and he had very many children, that he might reap the fruit of his misdeeds in a former life. He wandered about begging with his family, and at last he reached a certain city, and entered the service of a rich householder called Sthuladatta. His sons became keepers of Sthuladatta's cows and other property, and his wife a servant to him, and he himself lived near his house, performing the duty of an attendant. One day there was a feast on account of the marriage of the daughter of Sthuladatta, largely attended by many friends of the bridegroom, and merry-makers. Harisarman hoped that he would be able to fill himself up to the throat with ghee and flesh and other dainties, and get the same for his family, in the house of his patron. While he was anxiously expecting to be fed, no one thought of him.

Then he was distressed at getting nothing to eat, and he said to his wife at night, "It is owing to my poverty and stupidity that I am treated with such disrespect here; so I will pretend by means of an artifice to possess a knowledge of magic, so that I may become an object of respect to this Sthuladatta; so, when you get an opportunity, tell him that I possess magical knowledge." He said this to her, and after turning the matter over in his mind, while people were asleep he took away from the house of Sthuladatta a horse on which his master's son-in-law rode. He placed it in concealment at some distance, and in the morning the friends of the bridegroom could not find the horse, though they searched in every direction. Then, while Sthuladatta was distressed at the evil omen, and searching for the thieves who had carried off the horse, the wife of Harisarman came and said to him, "My husband is a wise man, skilled in astrology and magical sciences; he can get the horse back for you; why do you not ask him?"

When Sthuladatta heard that, he called Harisarman, who said, "Yesterday I was forgotten, but to-day, now the horse is stolen, I am called to mind," and Sthuladatta then propitiated the Brahman with these words—"I forgot you, forgive me"—and asked him to tell him who had taken away their horse. Then Harisarman drew all kinds of pretended diagrams, and said: "The horse has been placed by thieves on the boundary line south from this place. It is concealed there, and before it is carried off to a distance, as it will be at close of day, go quickly and bring it." When they heard that, many men ran and brought the horse quickly, praising the discernment of Harisarman. Then Harisarman was honoured by all men as a sage, and dwelt there in happiness, honoured by Sthuladatta.

Now, as days went on, much treasure, both of gold and jewels, had been stolen by a thief from the palace of the king. As the thief was not known, the king quickly summoned Harisarman on account of his reputation for knowledge of magic. And he, when summoned, tried to gain time, and said, "I will tell you to-morrow," and then he was placed in a chamber by the king, and carefully guarded. And he was sad because he had pretended to have knowledge.

Read the passage on the left to answer the following questions:

What can be said to be the major themes of this story?
A) secret happiness and hidden failure
B) vicious rage and glorious revenge
C) wounded pride and unintended consequences
D) scathing contempt and creeping despair
What effect is accomplished by the author's choice to end the story with this paragraph?
A) It causes the reader to forget the events which preceded it.
B) It drives home the idea that one's behavior can have unintended effects.
C) It suggests to the reader that the caste system is unjust.
D) It makes the reader wonder if magic might actually be real.
What can be said regarding Sthuladatta's relationship to Harisarman in the story?
A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman, except when he feels he needs him.
B) Sthuladatta loves Harisarman and hope that they can always be close.
C) The two men are the best of friends, except when they get into a fight.
D) Sthutadatta generally looks up to Harisarman, seeing him as a holy man.
What could be said to be the implied moral of this story?
A) Life is what you make it.
B) Everyone deserves a second chance.
C) One shouldn't judge a person by appearances.
D) Deceitful deeds have consequences.

A life is what you make it

10) C) wounded pride and unintended consequences

11) B) It drives home the idea that one's behavior can have unintended effects.

12) A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman, except when he feels he needs him.

13) D) Deceitful deeds have consequences.

To answer these questions, we need to analyze the passage provided.

10) The major themes of this story can be said to be C) wounded pride and unintended consequences. Throughout the story, Harisarman's wounded pride and desire for respect lead him to pretend to possess magical knowledge. However, this ultimately leads to unintended consequences, as he is called upon to use his supposed magical abilities to find a stolen horse and later to solve a theft in the king's palace.

11) The effect accomplished by the author's choice to end the story with the final paragraph is B) It drives home the idea that one's behavior can have unintended effects. This ending reinforces the idea that Harisarman's decision to pretend to have magical knowledge had consequences that he did not anticipate. It serves as a reminder that actions taken without considering the potential outcomes can have unintended and possibly negative consequences.

12) Regarding Sthuladatta's relationship to Harisarman in the story, it can be said that A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman, except when he feels he needs him. Throughout the story, Sthuladatta does not pay much attention to Harisarman until he needs his supposed magical abilities to retrieve the stolen horse and solve the theft in the king's palace. Sthuladatta only values Harisarman for his perceived knowledge and abilities.

13) The implied moral of this story can be said to be D) Deceitful deeds have consequences. The story depicts the consequences of Harisarman's deceitful actions in pretending to possess magical knowledge. His deceit leads to unintended consequences and ultimately results in his being placed in a chamber by the king, guarded and sad. The story serves as a cautionary tale that dishonesty and deceit can have negative repercussions.

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