I made a mistake when I typed this out last time, here is the correct one:

Create a table for different values of x as the best solution to the equation 2^x = 1000, with decimal precision.

I know one kilobyte = 1024, that is

2^10 = 1024
2^9 = 512
x ... 2^x
10, 1024
9, 512
9.8, 891.44
9.9, 955.4
9.95, 989.118
9.97, 1002.9 , a bit too high, so between 9.95 and 9.97
9.96, 995.998 , a bit too high so between 9.97 and 9.96
9.965, ... keep working on it until you think you have it accurate enough

Thanks Reiny!

To create a table for different values of x as the best solution to the equation 2^x = 1000, you need to solve the equation for different values of x. Here's a step-by-step process to find the values:

1. Start by rewriting the equation as an exponential equation: 2^x = 1000.

2. Take the log base 2 of both sides of the equation to remove the exponent: log2(2^x) = log2(1000).

3. Use the logarithmic property that states logb(b^x) = x to simplify the left side: x = log2(1000).

4. Use a calculator or mathematical software that supports logarithmic functions to evaluate log2(1000). This will give you the value of x, which is the exponent that satisfies the equation.

Once you have the value of x, you can create a table by choosing different decimal values for x and calculating the corresponding value of 2^x. Here's an example of a table with x values rounded to two decimal places:

x | 2^x
0.69 | 1000.00
0.70 | 1005.36
0.71 | 1010.72
0.72 | 1016.12
0.73 | 1021.54
... ...

You can continue this process by calculating the value of 2^x for different decimal values of x, depending on the desired level of precision.