Why do you tell a lie? Converted into passive voice

Why do you tell a lie

I don't see any good way to turn that active voice sentence into passive, either. It would probably be this: Why is a lie told by you? <~~and that's awful phrasing!



Why does tell Alie paissi voice

To convert the sentence "Why do you tell a lie?" into the passive voice, we need to change the subject (you) to the object, the verb (tell) to the verb in the past participle form (told), and add the auxiliary verb (is) followed by the preposition "by" and the performer of the action.

The passive voice version of the sentence would be:

"Why is a lie told by you?"

In this sentence, the focus is on the action and not on who performed it. The subject, "you," becomes the object, "a lie," and "told" is changed to "is told."

I don't really know how to answer this question, as there isn't really enough cotext.