Which expression is equivalent to -1.3 - (-1.9)

it´s, −1.3+1.9 trust me.

Which of the following expressions are equivalent to -8-(-1)-5

To simplify the expression -1.3 - (-1.9), you need to subtract a negative number from another number.

Step 1: Distribute the negative sign in front of the parentheses.
-1.3 - (-1.9) becomes -1.3 + 1.9.

Step 2: Add the two numbers together.
-1.3 + 1.9 = 0.6.

Therefore, the expression -1.3 - (-1.9) is equivalent to 0.6.

well, -1.3 - (-1.9) = -1.3 + 1.9 so ...