if 80 are people donating blood, what is the expected number of people with type O blood if those who have O blood are 26%?

What is 26% of 80?


To find the expected number of people with type O blood, you can multiply the total number of people donating blood by the percentage of people who have type O blood.

Step 1: Calculate the number of people with O blood based on the percentage.
The percentage of people with O blood is given as 26%. To find the number of people with O blood, multiply this percentage by the total number of people donating blood.

Number of people with O blood = 26% of 80 = (26/100) * 80 = 20.8

Since we cannot have a fraction of a person, we round the decimal value to the nearest whole number.

Step 2: Round to the nearest whole number.
Considering we cannot have a fraction of a person, the number of people with type O blood will be rounded to the nearest whole number.

Rounded number of people with O blood = 21

Therefore, the expected number of people with type O blood among the 80 people donating blood is 21.