Why is it that the 1/2 pizza was not reciprocate and where from the 1/5

you want to try that again in English?

Five students equally share 1/2 of a pizza. How much of a whole pizza did each student eat?

The answer was 1/10 and why this answer please

because 1/2 * 1/5 = 1/10

half of a fifth is a tenth, right?

To understand why the 1/2 pizza was not reciprocated and where it came from, we need to clarify a few concepts.

Reciprocation in this context usually refers to returning a favor or an act of kindness. However, it is not clear how the concept of reciprocation applies to a pizza.

As for the term "1/2 pizza," it indicates a fraction representing a portion of a whole pizza. In mathematical terms, it means that the pizza was divided into two equal parts, and one of those parts is being referred to as "1/2 pizza."

To determine where the 1/2 pizza came from, we need more context. It could be that someone shared a whole pizza with another person and then described the portion they received as "1/2 pizza." Alternatively, someone could have ordered a whole pizza but only consumed half of it, referring to the leftover portion as "1/2 pizza." Without further information, it is challenging to provide a specific answer.

In summary, the reason why the 1/2 pizza was not reciprocated and its origin depend on the situation and context surrounding the pizza.