Which description best fits the climate of Indochina?

a hot and dry

b cold and dry

c hot and wet

d cold and wet

its so confusing their climate is so confusing


To determine which description best fits the climate of Indochina, we can look at the general climate patterns in the region. Indochina refers to the mainland Southeast Asian countries of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand.

To answer this question, we can start by ruling out options based on the general climate characteristics of the area. Indochina is known for its tropical climate, which means it is generally warm throughout the year. So, option b, "cold and dry," can be eliminated.

Next, we can consider the precipitation patterns in Indochina. The monsoon season, characterized by heavy rainfall, plays a significant role in the region's climate. The monsoon regime brings both wet and dry seasons.

Based on this information, we can conclude that option c, "hot and wet," is the most accurate description of the climate in Indochina. The region experiences high temperatures, especially in the coastal areas, along with abundant rainfall during the wet season.