Trapezoid ABCD is formed by

A (–7,3) B (–5,6) C (0,6), and D (0,3).Determine the length of the diagonal AC in trapezoid ABCD. Round to the nearest tenth and show all of your work.
what do I do?

plot the points!

AD is parallel to BC, so the height is CD, which is ⊥ AD
Now area = (AB+BC)/2 * CD
No fancy distance formulas needed, since all the lines in question are either vertical or horizontal.

oops. I guess you do need the distance formula, which you have ...

To find the length of the diagonal AC in trapezoid ABCD, you can use the distance formula. The distance formula is given by:

d = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

1. Identify the coordinates of points A and C:
A = (-7, 3)
C = (0, 6)

2. Substitute the coordinates into the distance formula:
d = sqrt((0 - (-7))^2 + (6 - 3)^2)

3. Simplify the equation:
d = sqrt((7)^2 + (3)^2)
d = sqrt(49 + 9)
d = sqrt(58)

4. Use a calculator to find the square root of 58:
d ≈ 7.6 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the length of diagonal AC in trapezoid ABCD is approximately 7.6 units when rounded to the nearest tenth.