Use the Midpoint Rule to approximate the integral (x^4) from 0 to 4 with n=0

n cannot be zero.

In any case, divide the interval into n equal pieces of width 4/n
then the midpoint of the kth interval (k=1..n) is
xk = 1/2 (4/n) + k*4/n
the area is then
∑ xk^4 * (4/k)


xk = 1/2 (4/n) + (k-1)*4/n

To use the Midpoint Rule to approximate the integral of a function, we divide the interval (in this case, from 0 to 4) into subintervals and find the midpoint of each subinterval. The width of each subinterval is determined by dividing the total width of the interval by the number of subintervals (in this case, n=0, so there are no subintervals).

However, it is not possible to use the Midpoint Rule with zero subintervals, as it requires at least one subinterval. Therefore, we cannot approximate the integral using the Midpoint Rule with n=0.