What tells you that this ACP site would be a credible source for your argumentative essay? Select all that apply.

It is an established news organization.
It gives data about education in India.
It tells a story about schools.
It includes quotations from knowledgeable people.
It explains a single viewpoint on education.

What is ACP?

And what does "this ACP site" mean?

To determine if the ACP site would be a credible source for your argumentative essay, you should consider the following factors:

1. It is an established news organization: An established news organization indicates a level of professionalism and experience in reporting. This suggests that the site is more likely to adhere to journalistic standards, fact-check information, and provide reliable content.

2. It gives data about education in India: Data adds credibility to your argument as it provides evidence to support your claims. Ensure the source of the data is reliable, relevant, and trustworthy. If the ACP site presents credible and verifiable data about education in India, it can contribute to the credibility of your argument.

3. It tells a story about schools: Stories can be valuable in adding depth and context to your essay. However, while stories can provide anecdotes or examples, they should be used alongside other reliable sources of information. Consider the credibility of the story's source, its relevance to your argument, and whether it is based on factual information.

4. It includes quotations from knowledgeable people: Quotations from knowledgeable individuals, such as experts or professionals in the field, can provide additional credibility to your argument. When using quotations, verify the expertise and qualifications of the individuals quoted and ensure that their views align with established knowledge or consensus in the relevant field.

5. It explains a single viewpoint on education: While a source explaining a single viewpoint on education can provide valuable insights, it is essential to critically analyze the source within the context of your essay. Evaluating various perspectives and presenting a well-rounded argument is generally more credible than relying solely on a single viewpoint.

Based on these factors, you should select the following options:

- It is an established news organization.
- It gives data about education in India.
- It includes quotations from knowledgeable people.