which sentences contains fate and educate?

Is this from a particular text? Because it doesnt seem like a question for just in general.

Many sentences could be written that contain the words fate and educate. (I just wrote one. So did you) You must be referring to a particular list of sentences, or text.

fate is inevitable

To find sentences containing the words "fate" and "educate," you can follow these steps:

1. Use an online search engine such as Google.
2. Type in a relevant search query, such as "sentences with the words fate and educate."
3. Look for reliable sources such as reputable websites or books that provide example sentences.

Here are a couple of examples of sentences containing the words "fate" and "educate":

1. "Despite his difficult fate, he managed to educate himself and become a successful entrepreneur."
2. "The purpose of education is not to escape one's fate, but to empower individuals to overcome obstacles and shape their own future."

Remember to ensure the reliability of the source when using example sentences from search results.