Suppose that to make the golf team you need to score no more than 84 on average over 5 games. If you scored 95, 74, 97, and 65 in your first 4 games, what is the highest score you can shoot in your 5th and final game and still make the team?

a. 87
b. 90
c. 91
d. 89

please help

Not that same question again!

It has been asked about 4 times and answered that many times as well.
Here we go again.
(95 + 74 + 97 + 65 + x)/5 < 84

solve for x, let me know what you get

To determine the highest score you can shoot in your 5th game and still make the team, we need to find the average score of all 5 games.

Step 1: Add up the scores from the first 4 games:
95 + 74 + 97 + 65 = 331

Step 2: Divide the total score by the number of games (5):
331 / 5 = 66.2

To make the team, your average score over 5 games needs to be no more than 84. Therefore, the highest score you can shoot in your 5th game is determined by subtracting your current total score (331) from the maximum average score (84 multiplied by 5) and then rounding it up to the nearest whole number.

Step 3: Determine the maximum score you can shoot in your 5th game:
(84 * 5) - 331 = 419 - 331 = 88

So, the highest score you can shoot in your 5th game and still make the team is 88. Looking at the given options, the closest option to 88 is 87 (option a).

Therefore, the correct answer is:

a. 87