A runaway truck (truck with no brakes) traveling 45 m/s leaves the highway and enters the runaway ramp where the truck will be slowed due to soft sand that it is made of. If the sand slows the truck at -2.00 , how long,( distance), must the ramp be in order stop the truck?

V^2 = Vo^2 + 2a*d = 0

45^2 + 2*(-2)d = 0
d = ___ m.

To find the distance required to stop the truck on the runaway ramp, we can use the formula for acceleration:

acceleration = change in velocity / time

Initial velocity (u) = 45 m/s
Final velocity (v) = 0 m/s
Acceleration (a) = -2.00 m/s²

We need to find the time it takes to decelerate the truck and bring it to a stop. Rearranging the formula above, we get:

time = (final velocity - initial velocity) / acceleration

Substituting the given values:

time = (0 - 45) / -2.00

time = -45 / -2.00

time = 22.5 seconds

Now, to find the distance covered in 22.5 seconds, we can use the formula:

distance = initial velocity * time + (1/2) * acceleration * time²

distance = 45 * 22.5 + (1/2) * -2.00 * 22.5²

distance = 1012.5 + (-1) * 2531.25

distance = 1012.5 - 2531.25

distance = -1518.75 meters

Therefore, the ramp must be at least 1518.75 meters long in order to stop the truck.

To find the distance required to stop the truck, we can use the equation of motion:

v^2 = u^2 + 2as

v = final velocity (0 m/s - since the truck needs to stop)
u = initial velocity (45 m/s)
a = acceleration (-2.00 m/s^2)
s = distance

Substituting the known values in the equation, we have:

0^2 = 45^2 + 2(-2.00)s

Simplifying further:

0 = 2025 - 4s

Rearranging the equation to solve for s:

4s = 2025
s = 506.25 meters

Therefore, the ramp must be at least 506.25 meters long in order to stop the truck.