Drag and drop the texts to complete the sentences.

Hebrew Bible
Book of Genesis
Christian Bible
Book of Revelation

Christians believe in the __________ as their holy book. This book includes the New Testament and the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the ______. The New Testament includes the __________, or accounts of Jesus’s life and teachings written by his disciples. It also includes the ________, or collections of letters about matters of faith. The final book of the New Testament is the __________.

1. Christian Bible, Hebrew Bible, Gospels, Epistles, Book of Revelation.

(In that order First to Last)

2. C.
You must treat others as you would wish to be treated.

3. A.

4. The Trinity: Christianity. The ten commandments: Judaism, Christianity. Worship and prayer: Judaism, Christianity.

5. The trinity: God the Father, Jesus, the son of God, Holy Spirit.


Christians believe in the
Christian Bible**
as their holy book. This book includes the New Testament and the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the
Hebrew Bible**
. The New Testament includes the
, or accounts of Jesus’s life and teachings written by his disciples. It also includes the
, or collections of letters about matters of faith. The final book of the New Testament is the
Book of Revelation**

2) C. You must treat others as you wish to be treated.

3) A. Sunday

4) the Trinity - Christianity
the Ten commandments - Judaism
worship and prayer - Judaism

5) the Trinity
Holy Spirit
God the Father
Jesus, the Son of God

I promise you this WILL get you a 100%!! <3

I hope that helps :)


Yeah, I can help.

It is 100%

I don’t I just wanna check mine .-.

@Infamous could you help out, please!!

why is there no answers

I’m a Christian and I understood this so easily because I learn it all in church!

1. Christian Bible, Hebrew Bible, Gospels, Epistles, Book of Revelation.

(In that order First to Last)

2. C. You must treat others as you would wish to be treated.

3. A. Sunday
Christianity (ALL 3)
The Trinity
the Ten Commandments
worship and prayer

Judaism (JUST THESE 2)
the Ten Commandments
worship and prayer

5) the Trinity
Holy Spirit
God the Father
Jesus, the Son of God

I GOT 100 ON connexus

~except on 4 all of them are Christianity and the Jewish ones are right~

gl everybody <3 :3

That is right ALL of them are Christian and the jewish ones are right

So 2 out of 3 for jews and 3 out of 3 for the Christians

Hope that made it more clear. Ray out!

*Sips Coffee*

I forgot the milk, whoops 🥛

Bro took that personally

ty <3

it works in 2022!

@Obito Uchiha, please don't say what you don't know... how do you know some of us don't go to church? Huh? That's right, and you don't. I go to church. Maybe some other people here go too. So don't judge a book by its cover or say what you don't know... (sorry if I'm being rude, but judging is not good or nice, and God doesn't like it either.) God bless all of you, and Jesus loves you all. Have a blessed day O(n_n)O

thank you!!!!!!!!!

thx MZ

Annndddd. . . @Infamos is 100%correct

thx @Infamous also for writeing answers instead of letters

ive been to church

our father who art in heaven hollow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us the day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tresspase against us and lead us not into temtation but deliver us from evil amen

say every night before bed (if u want) to be protected 4ever byeeee

hope u all have terrific life byeeeee

Does anyone have the answers like damn bro

I put the lines back in — lines that your copy and paste left out.

Please let me know where you would put each text, and I'll check your work for you.

I bet all the people here has never went to church they entire life

Drag and drop the correct elements to identify the Trinity, according to Christian belief.


Holy Spirit


God the Father


Jesus, the Son of God

the Trinity