The sum of my three digit is 6 . The hundreds digit is 2 . The sum of my hundreds and tens digit is equal to my ones digit. What number am I

One digit=a

Ten digit=c
Hundred digit=h=2







To find the three-digit number that satisfies the given conditions, let's start by using the information provided:

1. The sum of the three digits is 6.
2. The hundreds digit is 2.
3. The sum of the hundreds and tens digit is equal to the ones digit.

Let's go step-by-step to solve this:

Step 1: Since the hundreds digit is 2, let's subtract 2 from the sum of the three digits to find the sum of the tens and ones digits.
6 - 2 = 4.

Step 2: According to the third condition, the sum of the hundreds and tens digit is equal to the ones digit. Therefore, we know that the ones digit is 4.

Step 3: Once again, we'll use the sum of the three digits to find the tens digit.
6 - (2 + 4) = 6 - 6 = 0.

Step 4: Finally, we have all three digits identified: 2, 0, and 4.

Therefore, the number you are is 204.

To find the number that meets these conditions, we can break down the problem and find the answer step by step.

Condition 1: The sum of the three digits is 6.
Let's label the hundreds digit as "a," the tens digit as "b," and the ones digit as "c." So, we have the equation: a + b + c = 6.

Condition 2: The hundreds digit is 2.
From this statement, we know that a = 2.

Condition 3: The sum of the hundreds and tens digit is equal to the ones digit.
Mathematically, this can be represented as: a + b = c.
Substituting the value of a (which is 2) into the equation, we have: 2 + b = c.

Now, we will substitute the value of a (which is 2) into the equation from condition 1:
2 + b + c = 6.

Combining this equation with the equation from condition 3, we have a system of two equations:
2 + b + c = 6 (Equation 1)
2 + b = c (Equation 2)

To solve this system of equations, we can subtract Equation 2 from Equation 1:
(2 + b + c) - (2 + b) = 6 - c
This simplifies to:
c - b = 6 - c

Next, we add b to both sides of the equation:
c - b + b = 6 - c + b
This simplifies to:
c = 6 + b

Since the hundreds digit is 2, we substitute a = 2 into Equation 2:
2 + b = c

Combining the equations:
c = 6 + b
2 + b = c

We can substitute (6 + b) from the first equation into the second equation:
2 + b = 6 + b

By subtracting b from both sides:
2 = 6
This is not possible, so there must have been an error in the problem statement. Please double-check the given information.