which of the following Minnesota politicians ran for the presidency as a liberal in 1984?

A.tim Pawlenty
B.walter Mondale
C.rudy perpitz
D.jesse Ventura

its B

all r B

2.groudswell was an effort on the part of

A.conservationists to remove toxic waste
B.farmers to call attention to struggling farms
C. charter schools to increase funding for education
D.urban resident to construct light-rail transit

would it be B. ??

first one is B idk what others are

its B and ivan copied yeet

Yes, you are correct! The answer to question 1 is B and the answer to question 2 is also B.

Why are you posting this again?


1. Go to https://www.duckduckgo.com or https://www.google.com

2. Type in groudswell

3. Press the Enter key.

4. Read, read, read, and take good notes, including notes about any websites from which you copy information.

Are you referring to Groundswell Group?


Or Groundswell organization?

Or … https://www.google.com/search?q=groundswell+minnesota&oq=groundswell+minnesota&aqs=chrome..69i57.6916j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

You should go back into your text to be sure. There are all kinds of references, including those above. This is not your fault. This is a continuing problem with your school's text/test publisher.