book everything everything

i dont know whats maddys motivation
What do you think motivates the actions of the main characters

Are the characters or their actions realistic? Are they relatable to others in society?

i dont know what to write

I haven't read this, but there may be help in these search results:

To understand Maddy's motivation in the book "Everything, Everything," it is necessary to analyze her character and the circumstances in which she finds herself. Here's how you can figure it out:

1. Read the book: Start by reading the book "Everything, Everything" by Nicola Yoon. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of the characters, including Maddy, and their motivations.

2. Analyze Maddy's background: Maddy is a young girl who suffers from a severe immunodeficiency disorder, which confines her to her house. She has spent her entire life indoors and has never experienced the outside world. This isolation and longing for normalcy serve as significant motivators for her actions throughout the story.

3. Explore Maddy's desire for freedom: As the story progresses, Maddy starts to develop a deep desire for freedom and exploration beyond the walls of her home. She longs for experiences that most people take for granted, such as feeling the sun on her face or breathing fresh air. This desire motivates her to take risks and challenge the restrictions imposed on her.

4. Consider Maddy's connection with Olly: Maddy forms a deep emotional connection with her neighbor, Olly, who she can observe only from a distance at first. Her growing feelings for him become a crucial motivating factor as she begins to question the limitations placed on her life. Her desire to be with Olly pushes her to take bold actions, even if they come with potential risks.

5. Reflect on Maddy's self-discovery: Throughout the book, Maddy undergoes self-discovery as she questions the truth of her condition and the choices made on her behalf by her mother. This internal journey propels her to challenge the constraints she has known her whole life, ultimately motivating her to seek a life beyond her protected environment.

By analyzing Maddy's background, desires, connections with other characters, and personal growth, you can gain a deeper understanding of her motivations in "Everything, Everything."