The duties of the legislative branch of the United States government most closely resemble those of

the Roman senate.
the Roman army.
Roman consuls.
Roman tribunes.

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The duties of the legislative branch of the United States government most closely resemble those of

Which feature of the Roman government limited individual power


To determine the answer, we can compare the duties of the legislative branch of the United States government with the roles of the Roman government officials mentioned in the options.

A. The Roman senate: The Roman senate was a governing body in ancient Rome composed of wealthy and influential citizens. It had important responsibilities in making laws, managing public finances, and serving as an advisory council to the magistrates. However, it had limited power to propose or initiate legislation.

B. The Roman army: The Roman army consisted of Roman citizens who served for a fixed period of time. Their duties involved military operations, maintaining order, and protecting Roman territories. However, their tasks were focused on defense and conquest rather than legislative functions.

C. Roman consuls: Roman consuls were the highest elected officials in the Roman Republic. They served as chief executives, commanding the military, enforcing laws, and presiding over the senate. While the consuls played significant roles in the Roman government, their responsibilities included more executive and administrative functions rather than purely legislative duties.

D. Roman tribunes: Roman tribunes were elected officials who represented the interests of the plebeians, the common people of ancient Rome. They had the ability to veto laws passed by the senate, protect citizens from unfair treatment, and propose legislation. The tribunes had a strong legislative role, acting as the voice of the people and ensuring their rights were protected.

Based on these comparisons, the duties of the legislative branch of the United States government most closely resemble those of Roman tribunes (option D). The legislative branch in the United States, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives, has the power to propose, pass, and enact laws, just like the Roman tribunes in their legislative capacity.