Julia earned money babysitting. She spent 1/4 of the money on lunch. She spent 1/2 of the money on a DVD, and she saved $4. How much money did Jia spend on the DVD?

1/4 + 1/2 = 3/4

so, $4 was 1/4 of what she started with
That means she started with $16, and spent $8 on the DVD.

To calculate the amount of money Julia spent on the DVD, we need to know the total amount of money she earned babysitting. Let's denote this amount as 'x'.

Given that she saved $4, we can subtract that amount from the total amount she earned. This leaves us with 'x - 4'.
We also know that she spent 1/4 of the money on lunch. We can calculate this amount by multiplying 'x - 4' by 1/4: (1/4) * (x - 4).
Finally, she spent 1/2 of the money on the DVD. To calculate this amount, we multiply 'x - 4' by 1/2: (1/2) * (x - 4).
Therefore, the amount Julia spent on the DVD is (1/2) * (x - 4).

To find out how much money Julia spent on the DVD, we can start by figuring out how much money she had in the beginning.

Let's denote the total amount of money Julia earned as "x".

She spent 1/4 of that money on lunch, which can be represented as (1/4) * x.

She spent 1/2 of the remaining money on a DVD. The remaining money after spending on lunch is (3/4) * x.

So, she spent (1/2) * (3/4) * x on the DVD.

We also know that Julia saved $4, which means (1/2) * (3/4) * x - 4 is the amount she spent on the DVD.

To solve for the amount Julia spent on the DVD, we need to solve the equation: (1/2) * (3/4) * x - 4 = Amount spent on DVD.

First, simplify the fraction: (1/2) * (3/4) = 3/8.

Now, our equation becomes: (3/8) * x - 4 = Amount spent on DVD.

To isolate the amount spent on the DVD, we can add 4 to both sides of the equation: (3/8) * x - 4 + 4 = Amount spent on DVD + 4.

This simplifies to: (3/8) * x = Amount spent on DVD + 4.

Finally, to solve for the amount spent on the DVD, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 8/3: (8/3) * (3/8) * x = (Amount spent on DVD + 4) * (8/3).

This gives us: x = (8/3) * (Amount spent on DVD + 4).

So, to determine the amount Julia spent on the DVD, we need to know the total amount of money she earned, denoted by "x".