Why do some scholars assert that the poems were composed in the sixth century B.C.E.?

I'm assuming this is about Homer and the poems? Some scholars say that it was composed during that period because it's when the written versions of the poem first started appearing.

Huh 😂😂

Some scholars assert that the poems were composed in the sixth century B.C.E. for several reasons. To understand why, we need to dive into the field of scholarship and explore the methods used to analyze historical texts.

1. Textual Analysis: Scholars study the language, style, and vocabulary used in the poems to determine their age. They compare the poems with other texts from different time periods to identify similarities and differences. Through this analysis, they can make educated guesses about when the poems were likely composed.

2. Historical Context: Historical events and references mentioned in the poems are examined to establish a timeframe. If the poems contain references to events or figures that are known to have occurred or existed only during the sixth century B.C.E., it suggests that the poems were composed during that period.

3. Archaeological Evidence: Archaeological findings, such as inscriptions or artifacts, can support or challenge the dating of the poems. If archaeological evidence is discovered that relates to the events or people described in the poems and can be dated to the sixth century B.C.E., it lends credibility to the dating of the poems themselves.

4. Transmission and Oral Tradition: The poems of this time were passed down through generations by oral tradition before being written down. Scholars analyze the evolution of language, narrative structure, and cultural references within the poems to establish a timeline of their composition. By examining the characteristics of the language used in the texts, scholars can make educated assumptions about when they were first composed.

It's important to note that scholarly opinions may vary, and there is ongoing debate among experts regarding various aspects of dating ancient texts. Therefore, while some scholars assert that the poems were composed in the sixth century B.C.E., there may be differing viewpoints based on differing interpretations of the available evidence.

Probably because some were.

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