Just for smarties...

pregnant woman goes out of her room goes to the fridge opens a can of tuna a soda a yogurt a cookie Which one did she open

To determine which item the pregnant woman opened, we need to carefully analyze the given information. Let's break it down step by step:

1. The pregnant woman goes out of her room.
This information implies that she left her room and went somewhere else, possibly the kitchen or another area where the fridge is located.

2. She goes to the fridge.
By going to the fridge, the woman is indicating that she wants to get something to eat or drink. It suggests that she is looking for sustenance or refreshment.

3. She opens a can of tuna, a soda, a yogurt, and a cookie.
Based on the information given, we know that the woman opened four different items from the fridge: a can of tuna, a soda, a yogurt, and a cookie.

Since the question asks for the specific item she opened, we cannot determine the exact answer with the given information alone. We need additional details or clues to identify which one she opened.

Therefore, we should consider asking follow-up questions or seeking more information to resolve the uncertainty.