In the courage that my mother had uses a metaphor to characterize the speakers poem. In an essay, describe the comparison the speaker makes, citing details from the poem your point. Then, explain what the comparison tells you about the kind of person the speakers mother was. Use the reading selection to help you answer the question.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the poem "In the courage that my mother had" and identify the metaphor the speaker uses to characterize their mother. Here is an approach to help you answer this question:

1. Read and understand the poem: Start by reading the poem "In the courage that my mother had" by Edward Thomas. Familiarize yourself with the speaker's reflections on their mother and her courageous nature.

2. Identify the metaphor: Look for phrases or lines that compare the speaker's mother to something else. Metaphors often use words like "like" or "as." In this case, the poem compares the speaker's mother's courage to a "hot needle" in the quote: "The thing I mean / Can't be rendered sensible, but / Have you ever tried to enter the long black branches / Of other lives - tried to imagine what the crisp fringes, / Full of honey, hanging / From the branches of the young locust trees in early morning, / Feel like? / Do you think this is the only world? What if you / Took the other?"

3. Describe the comparison: Explain the metaphor and its meaning. In this poem, the speaker compares their mother's courage to a "hot needle." This suggests that the courage the mother possessed was sharp, intense, and potentially painful. The speaker emphasizes the difficulty in understanding or fully grasping this kind of courage.

4. Connect the metaphor to the speaker's mother: Consider the qualities associated with a "hot needle" and how they relate to the speaker's mother. The comparison implies that the mother had a fierce and determined spirit, willing to withstand and overcome difficult challenges. The mother's courage is portrayed as focused, piercing, and unyielding.

5. Use evidence from the poem: To support your analysis, cite specific details from the poem. Quote lines that illustrate the mother's courageous nature or those that provide insight into her character.

In your essay, you should incorporate these steps to explain the metaphor used in the poem and analyze what it reveals about the speaker's mother's character. Remember to provide evidence from the poem to support your analysis.

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First of all you need to identify the metaphor. Only then can you do the rest of the assignment.