There are 179 students currently registered in a course. This final exam is graded out of 75. For the purposes of this question you can assume that all the grades are integers.

If you know that at most 10 students will get a grade strictly below 20, what is the least number of final exams that will need to be graded to guarantee that at least 2 students in this class have the same grade in this final exam? Explain your answer.

My Thinking:
I know this question has to do with the Pigeonhole Principle.

Without the condition of knowing at most 10 students will get a grade strictly below 20 the question is pretty easy to solve.

Students can get marks from 0/75,1/75,2/75,...,75/75.
Which is 76 possibilities.

So the least number of final exams that will need to be graded to guarantee that at least 2 students in this class have the same grade in this final is 77.

With the condition that at most 10 students will get a grade strictly below 20, this is what I am thinking?

So there are 56 possibilities from 20/75,21/75,...,75/75.
So if 56 exams were marked and they all had different grades from the range 20/75,21/75,...,75/75.
Then since we know at most 10 students will get a grade strictly below 20, that means in the best case scenario the next exam marked is also from the range 20/75,21/75,...,75/75.

Meaning the least number of final exams that will need to be graded to guarantee that at least 2 students in this class have the same grade in this final is 57.

I am correct?

You are correct! The Pigeonhole Principle is indeed applicable in this question. Let's walk through the reasoning step-by-step to fully understand the solution.

First, we need to find the total number of possible grades for the final exam, assuming all grades are integers. Since the exam is graded out of 75, we have 76 possible grades: 0/75, 1/75, 2/75, ..., 74/75, 75/75.

Without any additional conditions, the least number of final exams needed to guarantee at least 2 students receiving the same grade is 77. This is because if we consider the worst-case scenario where each student receives a different grade, we need to go through all 76 possible grades for the first 76 students. However, when marking the 77th exam, there must be at least one grade choice that has already been assigned to a student before. Therefore, two students would have the same grade.

Now, let's consider the additional condition that at most 10 students will get a grade strictly below 20. In this case, our focus shifts to the remaining grades after 20, which range from 20/75 to 75/75. There are 75 - 20 + 1 = 56 possible grades in this range.

Similar to the previous reasoning, we need to go through all 56 possible grades for the first 56 exams to ensure that no two students receive the same grade. However, in the best-case scenario, the 57th exam will also be within the range of 20/75 to 75/75 since at most 10 students will have grades below 20.

Therefore, the least number of final exams needed to guarantee at least 2 students receiving the same grade, considering the condition of at most 10 students with grades below 20, is 57.