1. The Seattle Space Needle is 604 feet tall. A model of the building is 48 inches tall. What is the

ratio of the height of the model to the height of the actual Space Needle?
(1 point)


To find the ratio of the height of the model to the height of the actual Space Needle, you need to divide the height of the model by the height of the actual Space Needle.

First, convert the height of the Space Needle from feet to inches since the height of the model is given in inches.

Height of Space Needle = 604 feet × 12 inches/foot = 7248 inches

Now, divide the height of the model (48 inches) by the height of the actual Space Needle (7248 inches):

48 inches ÷ 7248 inches = 0.006615146

Since we want the ratio in simplified form, let's round the decimal to the nearest whole number:

0.006615146 ≈ 1

Therefore, the ratio of the height of the model to the height of the actual Space Needle is 1:151. So the correct answer is 1:151.