Which of the following shows that the Whitman’s did not understand the Native Americans?

Its probably to late but i think its b

To determine if the Whitmans did not understand Native Americans, we would need more specific information about the Whitmans and their interactions with the Native Americans. Without this information, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer. However, here are some possibilities that might indicate a lack of understanding:

1. Lack of cultural awareness: If the Whitmans did not make an effort to learn about the Native American culture, traditions, and values, it could suggest a lack of understanding.

2. Disregard for Native American perspectives: If the Whitmans consistently dismissed or ignored the concerns, beliefs, and needs of Native Americans, it could indicate a lack of understanding or empathy.

3. Imposing their own beliefs: If the Whitmans attempted to impose their own beliefs, customs, or practices onto the Native Americans without considering or respecting their cultural practices, it could be a sign of cultural insensitivity.

4. Lack of communication: If the Whitmans did not make an effort to understand or communicate effectively with the Native Americans, it could demonstrate a lack of understanding.

It is important to note that without specific information about the Whitmans and their interactions, it is difficult to make a conclusive judgment.

To determine which of the following shows that the Whitman's did not understand the Native Americans, we first need to identify the options provided. Please provide me with the list of options you have.

What following?