Read the sentence from the text.

Amundsen put them on a strict schedule, regulating their work hours.

Which points from the text does the evidence best support? Select two choices.

Amundsen’s men were lazy.

Amundsen liked to keep busy.

Amundsen’s men needed to lose weight.

Amundsen was well-organized and precise.

Amundsen followed a plan to get what he wanted.

Amundsen was very well-liked by all of the crew members.

I would say D and possibly E.


The sentence "Amundsen put them on a strict schedule, regulating their work hours" supports the points:

D. Amundsen was well-organized and precise.
E. Amundsen followed a plan to get what he wanted.

To arrive at these answers, we need to analyze the sentence and make logical inferences based on its content. The sentence mentions that Amundsen put his crew members on a strict schedule and regulated their work hours. This indicates that Amundsen was organized and precise in managing the team's time and activities, as he implemented a specific plan for their work. Therefore, choices D and E are the most aligned with the information provided in the text.