Has anyone heard Still Softish?

If you have have whatcha think

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or the ability to listen to music. However, I can help you understand how to find information about the artist or song you mentioned.

If you are referring to a band or artist named "Still Softish," there are a few ways to find out if anyone has heard of them and what others think of their music:

1. Online Music Platforms: Search for "Still Softish" on popular music streaming platforms or websites like Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, or YouTube. Check if they have any uploaded songs or albums and read the comments or reviews to see what others think.

2. Social Media: Look for the artist's presence on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok. Explore their posts, followers' comments, and engagement to get an idea of whether people have heard of them and their music.

3. Music Forums and Review Websites: Visit music-focused forums such as Reddit's r/Music or specific review websites like Pitchfork or AllMusic. Search for discussions or reviews about Still Softish, and you may find opinions and experiences shared by others.

Remember, "Still Softish" might be relatively unknown or might not have a significant online presence, so the information available could be limited. It's always subjective to judge the quality of music, so it is best to explore and listen to a sample of their music yourself to form your own opinion.