I have to do an argumentative essay and I can't think of a topic, any ideas?

Reading real books is more satisfying than reading them on Kindle.

Or you could turn that around! The point is to have a topic and thesis statement that takes a stand on an issue. No wishy-washy-ness! You need a topic others would argue with you about!

Go here to read about how to write argumentative essays:

Of course! Coming up with a topic for an argumentative essay can sometimes be challenging. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you brainstorm and narrow down your options:

1. Identify your interests: Start by thinking about subjects that genuinely interest you. Consider your hobbies, personal experiences, and areas of knowledge that you find engaging.

2. Research current events and trends: Stay updated with news and current affairs to find topics that are relevant and have opposing viewpoints. Visit credible news websites, read newspapers, or watch documentaries to spark ideas.

3. Engage in discussions: Engage in conversations with friends, family, classmates, or teachers to explore different perspectives on various issues. Dialogues often help bring forth fresh viewpoints and potential essay topics.

4. Choose a controversial issue: Identify an issue that has conflicting opinions or generates debate. Examples include climate change, gun control, social media's influence, legalization of marijuana, or healthcare systems. Choose a topic that you feel passionate about and one that has sufficient information available for research.

5. Research the topic: Once you have narrowed down your options, conduct preliminary research on each potential topic to understand both sides of the argument. Look for credible sources, such as academic articles, research papers, or reputable websites to examine the merits of each viewpoint.

6. Evaluate feasibility: Consider factors such as the length of your essay, availability of supporting evidence, and personal knowledge on the subject. Ensure that your chosen topic is realistic and manageable within the scope of your assignment guidelines.

Remember, selecting a topic that genuinely interests you is vital, as it will help you stay motivated throughout the essay-writing process. Happy brainstorming!