How did growing secularism influence European writers during the Renaissance?

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PS. Secularism is the primary concept (and practice) that distinguishes Medieval thought and art from Renaissance thought and art.

During the Renaissance, growing secularism had a significant impact on European writers. To understand this influence, let's break down the question into two parts: secularism and the Renaissance.

Secularism refers to the separation of religion and state, emphasizing a focus on worldly matters rather than spiritual or religious concerns. The Renaissance, on the other hand, was a period of cultural and intellectual rebirth in Europe, spanning from the 14th to the 17th century. It was marked by a renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman thoughts, ideas, and achievements, as well as a shift towards humanism and individualism.

To explore how growing secularism influenced European writers during the Renaissance, we need to examine two main aspects: subject matter and artistic expression.

1. Subject Matter:
As the influence of the Church declined, European writers had the freedom to explore a wider range of topics. They began to write about daily life, human experiences, and secular themes. Previously, most literature primarily focused on religious topics, including biblical stories and saints' lives. With the rise of secularism, writers began to reflect on human nature, society, politics, and the human condition. The subjects of their works now included history, philosophy, mythology, and the exploration of individual emotions and desires.

2. Artistic Expression:
Secularism also influenced the ways in which writers expressed themselves artistically. Here are a few ways this occurred:

a. Vernacular Language: During the Renaissance, writers started using vernacular languages (such as Italian, English, or French) instead of Latin, which was predominantly used for religious texts before. By doing so, they made their works more accessible to a wider audience, reaching beyond the clergy and scholars.

b. Humanism and Individualism: Humanism, a prevalent philosophy during the Renaissance, placed the human being at the center of intellectual and artistic pursuits. Writers embraced this idea, focusing on individual experiences, emotions, and the exploration of human potential. They celebrated the uniqueness and achievements of individuals and questioned traditional religious authority.

c. Secular Institutions and Patronage: As secular institutions gained prominence, writers found new patrons who supported their work. These patrons included city-states, wealthy merchants, and influential individuals. Instead of relying solely on the Church for patronage, writers were able to pursue their artistic endeavors with greater freedom and independence.

In summary, growing secularism during the Renaissance influenced European writers by expanding the range of subjects they addressed, encouraging artistic self-expression, promoting the use of vernacular languages, and providing new secular institutions and patrons. These changes led to a significant transformation in the content and style of literary works during this period.