which form of discrimination is worse race or class?

That’s an opinion question. What do YOU think?

or why are they equally as damaging?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal feelings or opinions. However, I can help provide some information on the topic of discrimination based on race or class.

Discrimination can manifest itself in various forms and impact individuals differently, depending on the context and their personal circumstances. It is challenging to compare and determine which form of discrimination is worse as both race-based and class-based discrimination can have severe and lasting effects on individuals and communities.

Race-based discrimination refers to treating people differently based on their perceived or actual racial background. It can include prejudices, stereotypes, and unequal treatment based on a person's race or ethnicity. This type of discrimination can lead to systemic inequalities, social exclusion, limited opportunities, and various forms of racism, such as hate crimes or racial profiling.

Class-based discrimination, on the other hand, involves treating individuals differently based on their socio-economic status or social class. It can result in unequal access to resources, education, jobs, healthcare, and opportunities for upward mobility. Class discrimination can perpetuate cycles of poverty, limit social mobility, and result in segregation and wider socio-economic disparities.

Determining which form of discrimination is worse is subjective and depends on individual perspectives and experiences. Both race and class discrimination can cause immense harm, perpetuate inequalities, and violate principles of equality and social justice.

Understanding and addressing discrimination requires promoting awareness, challenging biases, advocating for equal treatment and opportunities, and striving towards creating inclusive and just societies.