Please help, thank you.

The _______ passes through the renal hilum.

A. renal papilla
B. renal medulla
C. renal cortex
D. renal blood vessels
E. none of the above

I believed it was E, but that was marked incorrect. Is it possible for it to be any other of the answers? Since, the renal artery, renal vein, and ureter passes through it, what other one does too. Please help, thank you.

The answer is D

The correct answer for the question is D. renal blood vessels.

To determine the answer, let's break down the options and understand their definitions:

A. Renal papilla: The renal papilla is the apex of the renal pyramid in the renal medulla of the kidney. It is where the collecting ducts discharge urine into the minor calyx.

B. Renal medulla: The renal medulla is the innermost part of the kidney, consisting of renal pyramids, which appear striated due to the presence of tubules and blood vessels.

C. Renal cortex: The renal cortex is the outer portion of the kidney, which contains the glomeruli and convoluted tubules responsible for filtering and reabsorbing substances from the blood.

D. Renal blood vessels: The renal blood vessels include the renal artery, which brings blood to the kidney, and the renal vein, which carries blood away from the kidney. These vessels pass through the renal hilum.

Based on the definitions, option D is the correct answer. The renal artery and renal vein are vital blood vessels for supplying oxygenated blood to the kidney and removing waste products from it. They both pass through the renal hilum.

Therefore, to get the correct answer, it is important to know the definitions of the options and the anatomical structures involved. In this case, understanding the functions of the renal blood vessels and their passage through the renal hilum is crucial.

From Google:

The structures found in the renal hilum are arteries, veins, ureters, lymphatics, and nerves.

Aren't arteries and veins classified as blood vessels?