Question 7 of 13

Which of the following were the different social classes in ancient Greece?

slaves, metics, men, and women

men, women, children, and slaves

oligarchs, aristocrats, kings, queens, and ephors

aristocrats, small farmers, tenant farmers, metics, and slaves
i dont pay attention lol

Look, a difference in age is not a social class difference

A difference in sex is not either.

To answer this question, you will need some knowledge of ancient Greek society. The social classes in ancient Greece were structured differently from what we have today. Let's break down each option to identify the correct one:

A. This option includes slaves, metics (foreigners living in Athens), men, and women. While it correctly mentions slaves, men, and women, it does not include other relevant social classes.

B. This option includes men, women, children, and slaves. While it includes men, women, and slaves, it adds children as a social class. In ancient Greece, children were not considered a separate social class.

C. This option includes oligarchs (a ruling class), aristocrats (wealthy landowners), kings, queens, and ephors (magistrates). While these were important figures in ancient Greece, they do not represent the social classes.

D. This option includes aristocrats (wealthy landowners), small farmers, tenant farmers, metics (foreigners living in Athens), and slaves. This option correctly identifies the various social classes in ancient Greece, such as aristocrats, small farmers, tenant farmers, metics, and slaves.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Aristocrats, small farmers, tenant farmers, metics, and slaves were the different social classes in ancient Greece.