I'm not sure?

8. Simplify: a – 5b+ 5 – 2a +3a –7 +4 – 3b
(A) 2+2a-8b

5-7+4 = 2

1a - 2a + 3a = 2a
-5b - 3b = -8b

Is it A?

well, I suppose so LOL

To simplify the expression a – 5b + 5 – 2a + 3a – 7 + 4 – 3b, we can combine like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variable(s) raised to the same power(s).

Let's group the terms that have the same variable(s):
(a – 2a + 3a) + (-5b - 3b) + (5 – 7 + 4)

Now, combine the like terms within each group:
2a - 8b + 2

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is 2a - 8b + 2.

So, the answer is (A) 2 + 2a - 8b.