Hello! Im sorry to bother all of you, but could anyone help me out here? I have a few questions, and I'm far too mentally exhausted to answer them right. Please, if anyone has the answers to Lesson 11, Unit 3, Rectangular Prisms and Volume's 10-question practice, that would be much appreciated! Thank you! - nioce

The Questions:
1. Use the formula V = lwh to find the volume of a rectangular prism with the following dimensions:
* length = 7 in.
* width = 4 in.
* height = 3 in.
2.Use the formula V = lwh to find the volume of a rectangular prism with the following dimensions:
* Length = 5 m
* Width = 2 m
* Height = 10 m
3. Using the formula V = lwh, find the volume of a cube with a side length of 5 ft.

4. The volume of a rectangular prism is 30 inches, cubed. Use the formula V = lwh and the given dimensions to find the height of the prism.
* length = 2 in.
* width = 3 in.
5. The diagram shows the dimensions of a small container. What is the volume of the container?
(10 cm, 8 cm, 4 cm, shape of a rectangle)

Thank you!

For the people with 10 questions

1. D. V=84in
2. D. V=100m
3. C. V=125ft
4. A. Height= 5 in
5. D. V=320cm
6. C. V=500ft
7. B. 5 cm
8. D. 900in
9. B. V=12ft
10. The prism could be a cube with a side length of 10 mm. + It is possible for the length to be 1,000 mm. + It is possible that the length is 2.5.

There that’s the last question.

I’ll test it to see if they are correct.

1. 7*4*3= 84 in. cubed

2. 5*2*10= 100 m cubed
3. 5*5*5=125 ft. cubed
4. 30/(2*3)= 5 in
5. 10*8*4 = 320 cm cubed

I took the test and saw what questions were right.

tysm @ なつ

100% correct

The answers are correct, but some people have 10 questions.


i have three