In frisbee, which is not a throwing technique?


When throwing a frisbee backhand, your thumb should be _____ of the frisbee.
A.on the bottom
C.on top

Which is not a type of football thrower listed in the video?

In frisbee, what finger should not be under the Frisbee when throwing sidearm.

When throwing a baseball, you want your feet to be ____ to your target.

When passing a basketball, your arms should _______.

Which sport does not involve throwing or passing?

After throwing a baseball, you want to ____ your target with your throwing hand.
A.point away
B.fall away from
C.fall toward
D.point toward

When throwing a baseball, your ____ is just as important as your arm.
A.Leg muscles
B.back muscles

When throwing a football, your back should be _____.

In frisbee throwing, another name for the sidearm throw is the _____.




Throwing involves both upper & lower body parts to be successful.



When making a bounce pass, you should pass it about ______ the distance of your target.




Passing can be done with 1 or 2 hands.



Which is not a type of basketball pass?





To determine which option is not a throwing technique in frisbee, you can analyze the given options: A. overhead, B. sidearm, C. curve, and D. backhand. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that "curve" is not a throwing technique in frisbee.

To determine where your thumb should be placed when throwing a frisbee backhand, you can analyze the given options: A. on the bottom, B. away, and C. on top. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that your thumb should be "on top" of the frisbee when throwing a backhand.

To determine which option is not a type of football thrower listed in the video, you can analyze the given options: A. slinger, B. glider, C. launcher, and D. puncher. If you have watched the video or have access to the information, you can determine that "glider" is not a type of football thrower listed.

To determine which finger should not be under the frisbee when throwing sidearm, you can analyze the given options: A. index, B. ring, and C. middle. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that the finger that should not be under the frisbee when throwing sidearm is the "ring" finger.

To determine how your feet should be positioned when throwing a baseball, you can analyze the given options: A. equal, B. circular, C. square, and D. diagonal. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that your feet should be positioned "square" to your target when throwing a baseball.

To determine how your arms should be positioned when passing a basketball, you can analyze the given options: A. bounce, B. extend, C. incline, and D. roll. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that your arms should be "extended" when passing a basketball.

To determine which sport does not involve throwing or passing, you can analyze the given options: A. baseball, B. basketball, C. tennis, and D. football. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that "tennis" is the sport that does not involve throwing or passing.

To determine how your throwing hand should be positioned after throwing a baseball, you can analyze the given options: A. point away, B. fall away from, C. fall toward, and D. point toward. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that your throwing hand should "point away" from your target after throwing a baseball.

To determine which body part is just as important as your arm when throwing a baseball, you can analyze the given options: A. leg muscles, B. back muscles, and C. feet. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that your "back muscles" are just as important as your arm when throwing a baseball.

To determine how your back should be positioned when throwing a football, you can analyze the given options: A. curved, B. straight, and C. bent. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that your back should be "straight" when throwing a football.

To determine the other name for the sidearm throw in frisbee throwing, you can analyze the given options: A. flick, B. pull, and C. slant. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can find that the other name for the sidearm throw in frisbee throwing is "flick."

To determine whether throwing involves both upper and lower body parts, you can analyze the given options: True or False. From personal knowledge or by searching online, you can determine that the statement is "True" - throwing involves both upper and lower body parts.

To determine approximately how far you should pass a bounce pass compared to your target, you can analyze the given options: A. 3/4, B. 1/4, and C. 1/2. From personal knowledge or by watching a basketball tutorial or searching online, you can determine that you should pass a bounce pass about "1/2" the distance of your target.

To determine whether passing can be done with one or two hands, you can analyze the given options: True or False. From personal knowledge or by watching a basketball tutorial or searching online, you can determine that the statement is "True" - passing can be done with one or two hands.

To determine which option is not a type of basketball pass, you can analyze the given options: A. chest, B. bounce, C. waist, and D. overhead. From personal knowledge or by watching a basketball tutorial or searching online, you can determine that "overhead" is not a type of basketball pass.

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