Quentin recorded the weather for the past 100 days. It rained on 28 of the days.

What fraction and decimal represent how many days it rained?

For fraction simplify 28 / 100

28 / 100 = 4 ∙ 7 / 4 ∙ 25 = 7 / 25

Decimal represent = 28 / 100 = 0.28

huh? 28/100, of course

0.28 and 28/100

To find the fraction and decimal that represent how many days it rained, you need to calculate the ratio of the number of days it rained to the total number of days recorded.

First, you need to identify that out of the 100 days Quentin recorded, it rained on 28 of them.

To represent this as a fraction, you would write:

Fraction: 28/100

The numerator, 28, represents the number of days it rained, and the denominator, 100, represents the total number of days recorded.

To represent this as a decimal, you would divide the numerator by the denominator:

Decimal: 28 ÷ 100 = 0.28

So, the fraction that represents how many days it rained is 28/100, while the decimal representation is 0.28.