From a platform, an object is projected vertically into the air. Its height, metres above ground level after seconds, is modelled by the equation:

At what height above the ground is the platform from which the object was projected?

The equation is h= 3+20t-5t

Pls help me understand

at t = 0, the object is starting to be projected

plug in zero for t in the height equation to find the platform height

That equation is incorrect, should be

h= 3+20t-5t^2 , where t is in seconds, and h is in metres

The steps suggested by R_scott are correct

To determine the height above the ground of the platform from which the object was projected, we need to look at the equation that models the height of the object.

The given equation is not mentioned in your question, so it is difficult to provide a specific answer. However, in general, the equation would be in the form:
h(t) = h0 + v0*t - 0.5*g*t^2

- h(t) represents the height of the object above the ground after t seconds
- h0 represents the initial height from which the object was projected
- v0 represents the initial velocity of the object
- g represents the acceleration due to gravity (usually 9.8 m/s^2)

To find the height of the platform from which the object was projected, we need to determine the initial height (h0) value in the equation. This can be done by either providing the values of h(t) and t from the given equation or by having additional information about the problem.

If you have the values of h(t) and t, you can substitute them into the equation and solve for h0. If you have additional information about the problem, such as the maximum height the object reaches or the time it takes to reach that maximum height, you can use that information to calculate h0.

Please provide more information or the complete equation so that I can assist you further in calculating the height of the platform.