Alex has 7 pizzas, he wants to share equally with 10 friends how much pizza each friend receive.

If you don't know how many pieces each pizza has then you just have to do 7 divided by 10

To find out how much pizza each friend will receive, we need to divide the total number of pizzas by the number of friends.

So, Alex has 7 pizzas and wants to share them equally with 10 friends.

To divide 7 pizzas among 10 friends, we can use long division:

7 ÷ 10 = 0 remainder 7

Since 7 pizzas cannot be divided equally among 10 friends, each friend will receive 0 whole pizzas with a remainder of 7 pizzas.

Alternatively, we can express the result as a mixed number:

0 + 7/10

Therefore, each friend will receive 0 whole pizzas and 7/10 of a pizza.