Which is evidence of climate-forced sea level rise?(1 point)

decreased temperature of oceans

temperature changes for surface currents *****

increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

submerging of low islands and coastlines

the answer is. submerging of low islands and costlines.

shut up dang Im looking for answers

sad to see these "teachers" treat students like this. just because your job sucks doesn't mean you give hate back.

THANKS @zen!



even if the answer is obvious, you don't talk to people like that.

You do be spiting facts tho...

I Still think c, with CD roaming everywhere and being trapped near the water I do think that will heat it up.

yeah i mean they are not wrong...

Which is evidence of climate-forced sea level rise?(1 point)

Which is evidence of climate-forced sea level rise?(1 point)

decreased temperature of oceans

increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

temperature changes for surface currents

submerging of low islands and coastlines